Ons Hemerocallis assortiment
Hemerocallis offer
- Always Afternoon
- Always Liberty
- Anita Davis
- Anzac
- Applique
- Apricot
- Apricot Beauty
- Arctic Snow
- Aten
- Autumn Red
- Baby Talk
- Bakabana
- Baley Hay
- Banana's Punch
- Bandalero
- Barbara Mitchell
- Bejeweled
- Bela Lugosi
- Beloved Country
- Bertie Ferris
- Big Smile
- Big Time Happy
- Bitsy
- Black Arrowhead
- Black Emanuelle
- Black Eyed Stella
- Black Stockings
- Blackberry Candy
- Blaze of Fire
- Blue Sheen
- Blueberry Candy
- Blueberry Cream
- Blush 'n Pink Eye
- Bold Courtier
- Bold Ruler
- Bonanza
- Booby Ruby
- Bourbon Kings
- Burning Daylight
- Buttercup Parade
- Buzz Bomb
- Canadian Border Patrol
- Canary Glow
- Carnival Flair
- Cartwheels
- Catherine Woodbury
- Celebration of Angels
- Charles Johnston
- Cheese & Wine'
- Cherry Cheeks
- Chicago Apache
- Chicago Heirloom
- Chicago Jewel
- Chicago Knobby
- Chicago Royal Robe
- Chicago Sunrise
- Children's Festival
- Chockcherry Mountain
- Cool It
- Coral Mist
- Crazy Lace
- Crimson Pirate
- Custard Candy
- Damascene
- Dan Mahony
- Demetrius
- Destined to See
- Double Cutie
- Double Dream
- Double Firecracker
- Double River Wye
- Dress Code
- Dress Pink
- Duke of Durham
- Dwarf Pink
- Dwarf Purple
- Dwarf Red
- Dwarf Yellow
- Ed Murray
- Edge Ahead
- Eenie Allegro
- Eenie Weenie
- El Desperado
- Elegant Candy
- EveryDalily™ Gold (Ver00329)®
- EveryDalily™ Longfield ELD Mini Purple®
- EveryDalily™ Pink Cream (Ver00323)®
- EveryDalily™ Pink Wing (Ver00213)®
- EveryDalily™ Red (Ver00330)®
- EveryDalily™ Salmon (Ver00274)®
- Eye on America
- Fairest Love
- Fairness Double Red
- Final Touch
- Finder Keepers
- Fire and Fog
- Flambeau
- Flaming Sword
- Flava (lilioasphodelus)
- Forty Second Street
- Fragrant Reflection
- Fragrant Treasure
- Frances Fay
- Frans Hals
- Free Wheelin
- Frosted Vintage Ruffles
- Fruit Kiss
- fulva
- hybride - geel
- gemengd
- Gentle Shepherd
- Get Jiggy
- Golden Chimes
- Grape Sherbert
- Grape Velvet
- Hall's Pink
- Happy Returns
- Heavenly Angel Ice
- Heavenly Curls
- Heavenly Flight of Angels
- Hercules
- Hyperion
- Ice Carnival
- Ice Follies
- Invictus
- Irresistable Charm
- Janice Brown
- Jason Salter
- Jean Swann
- Joan Senior
- Just Watch
- fulva - Kwanso Variegata
- Lacy Doily
- Lavender Blue Baby
- Lavender Deal
- Lemon Madeline
- lilioasphodelus
- Little Anna Rosa
- Little Business
- Little Missy
- Little Paul
- Little Rainbow
- Longfields Angel
- Longfields Black Magic
- Longfields Glory
- Longfields Pearl
- Longfields Think Pink
- Lullaby Baby
- Lusty Leland
- Luxury Lace
- Lynn Hall
- hybride - Macbeth
- Madeline Nettles Eyes
- Margaret Perry
- Marocco Red
- Mary Todd
- Matador
- Mauna Loa
- middendorffii
- Mikado
- Mildred Mitchel
- Mini Pearl
- Mini Stella
- minor
- Minstrel Boy
- Mission Bells
- Missouri Beauty
- Monte
- Moussaka
- My Reggae Tiger
- Naughty Red
- Neyron Rose
- Night Beacon
- Night Embers
- Nowhere to Hide
- hybride - oranje
- Orchid Candy
- hybride - paars
- Pandora's Box
- Paprika Flame
- Pardon Me
- Persian Princess
- Pink Charm
- Pink Damask
- Pink Lace
- Pink Puff
- Pink Stripes
- Plum Perfect
- Prairie Bells
- Prairy Blue Eyes
- Precious
- Princess Tutu
- Punxsutawney Phil
- hybride - purple bicolor
- Purple de Oro
- Purple Flight
- Purple Waters
- Purplelicious
- Radiant
- Rajah
- Raspberry Candy
- Red Hot Returns
- Red Rum
- Romantic Rose
- hybride - rood
- Rosy Returns
- hybride - roze
- Ruby Claire Mims
- Ruby Stella
- Ruffled Apricot
- Sammy Russell
- Schopinger Anfang
- Seal of Approval
- Siloam Baby Talk
- Siloam French Doll
- Siloam New Toy
- Siloam Royal Prince
- Simmons Overture
- Snaggle Tooth
- Spacecoast Behavior Pattern
- Spiny Sea Urchin
- Spoons for Escargots
- Stella de Oro
- Stellar Double Rose
- Strawberry Candy
- String Bikini
- Strutter's Ball
- Sturm of Century
- Summer Wine
- Super Purple
- Susan Prichard Petit
- Sweet Hot Chocolate
- Tequila and Lime
- Texas Sunlight
- Thumbelina
- thunbergii
- Tiger Blood
- Tigereye Spider
- Tigger
- Unlock the Stars
- Valiant
- Voodoo Dancer
- Wajang
- Water Dragon
- Whale Tails
- Wild and Wonderful
- Wild Horses
- Wild Mustang
- Wineberry Candy
- hybride - wit
- Woodbury
- You Angel You
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Interreseted in our Hemerocallis bulbs and tubers?
- An extensive range of superb flower bulbs and perennials
- Knowledge and experience of more than 30 years
- Worldwide export of flower bulbs and perennials
- Sustainable entrepreneurship